June 26, 2024


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Conan Neutron’s Protonic Reversal-Ep314: Mike Watt (Minutemen, Mike Baggetta/Jim Keltner/Mike Watt)

1 min read

Surprise! It is the one and only Mr. Mike Watt. He’s got a new record with Mike Beggata and Jim Keltner called Everywhen We Go. Hot off the presses! We discuss that (and the difference between mssv!) as well as the Watt from Pedro show, Flipper, Iggy, erasing ageism in movement music, knee blow outs, remote tracking and Orson Welles with a pair of chili dogs. Spiel time, baby! Let’s go!

Ep314: Mike Watt (mssv, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, the Stooges, Flipper, solo, Mike Baggetta / Jim Keltner / Mike Watt)

Protonic Reversal is a live (and lively!) radio interview show that is podcasted, the podcast is the primary thing. It is possible you can hear superior audio at any of the other formats at the link above. The show is a conversation of amusing anecdotes, rocker ennui, why people do what they do & other assorted hijinx. It’s like “Inside the rocker’s studio” or something…
#podcast #interview


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