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Basel Tattoo 2012 Part 1 : 2 Timelapse Querschnitt

2 min read

Basel Tattoo is a annual military tattoo show performed by International military bands in Basel, Switzerland since 2006. In 2012, it has more than 1,000 performers and about 120,000 visitors with a ticket, the second largest such event in terms of performers and budget after the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Each year the Basel Tattoo hosts several parades and concerts, of which the Basel Tattoo parade, with an estimated 140,000 visitors, is the largest. The Basel Tattoo started in 2006 with Top Secret Drum Corps.
Since 2008, Basel Tattoo hosts a parade in Basel and since 2009 a second one in Freiburg, Germany. In 2010, the annual Freiburg parade included about 300 performers and was watched by 25,000 people. The seventh annual Basel Tattoo has 25 formations from every continent and hosts two additional performances than the previous year. From Friday July 13, 2012 until Saturday, July 21, 2012, a total of 15 shows are planned with an estimated 120,000 visitors. Following bands
•Massed Pipes and Drums
•Band of Flutes and Drums & Drill Team of The Life Guards, Dänemark
•Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums, U.S.A.
•Präsidialorchester des Dienstes des Kommandanten des
Moskauer Kremls Föderaler Schutzdienst der Russischen Föderation und
Ehrengarde des Präsidentenregiments der Russischen Föderation
•Ailsa Craig Highland Dancers, Schottland begleitet von der Swiss Army Strings and Rhythm Section
•Conscript Band of the Finnish Defence Forces, Finnland
•Lochiel Marching Drill Team, Neuseeland
•Militärmusik Rekrutenschule 16-1/2012, Schweiz
•Zentralorchester des Verteidigungsministeriums der Russischen Föderation
•A.I.T. Meiden High School Band, Japan
•New Zealand Army Band, Neuseeland
•Top Secret Drum Corps, Schweiz

In addition to the stage performances in the Basel Kaserne (old barracks), the 2012
Due to the Olympic Games in London, there are no English formations at Basel Tattoo – a first in its history. (källa wikipedia)


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